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Reasons the police may pull you over for A DUI check 

On Behalf of | May 8, 2024 | DUI/DWI

Being pulled over by the police can be an intimidating experience. Nonetheless, the police cannot just pull vehicles randomly. To do so, they need a legitimate reason. 

The evidentiary standard for pulling vehicles over on DUI stops is reasonable suspicion. This means that officers must have more than a mere hunch that illegality has occurred. What are some of the most common reasons for police officers to stop a vehicle

Traffic violations

Police officers can pull vehicles over for any sort of traffic violation. For example, if a car is recorded going even a few mph over the speed limit, the driver may be pulled over. Not only could this result in a charge, but it may result in officers performing further DUI checks. They may ask the driver to take a field sobriety test or chemical breathalyzer test. 

Speeding is not the only reason that officers pull vehicles over. Other examples of traffic violations resulting in stops include: 

  • Using a cell phone
  • Not using turn signals
  • Tailgating
  • Excessive braking
  • Crossing the centerline
  • Dangerous overtaking
  • Running red lights 

In essence, any form of driving conduct that attracts attention could amount to the reasonable suspicion required for a traffic stop.

The vehicle itself 

The condition of the vehicle itself may be a reason for officers to perform a traffic stop. For example, if heavy fumes are coming out of the exhaust, officers may request that the driver pull over so that they can check its condition. A stop may also be performed if tail lights are not working or if the vehicle shows any other signs of disrepair. Once the vehicle has been stopped, officers may go on to conduct the previously mentioned DUI assessments.  

If you are facing DUI charges and you suspect that the stop was unlawful, this could be a valid defense. Seeking legal guidance will help you to protect your rights and driver’s license.