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What are the effects that alcohol can have on driving ability?

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2025 | DUI/DWI

Most people know that the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for people who can legally drive is .08%. By the time a person reaches that level of alcohol in their body, there are several effects that can make driving dangerous. 

By the time a person has a BAC of .08%, a driver can experience problems with coordination, impaired perception, reduced alertness and altered cognitive processing. These can make it difficult for drivers to operate their vehicles, and these effects can lead to actions that meet the requirement of reasonable suspicion for a drunk driving traffic stop.

How many drinks can a person have before they reach .08%?

The number of drinks it takes a person to reach a BAC of .08% depends on a variety of factors, including: 

  • Gender
  • Type of alcohol
  • Weight
  • Speed of consumption

Whether a person has had anything to drink or not can also play a role in how much they can drink before they hit the legal limit. The only accurate way to determine your BAC is by having a calibrated breath test or another type of chemical test. 

Anyone who’s facing drunk driving charges should ensure they understand their options for a defense strategy. This can include a variety of points, such as the person’s actual BAC, whether they were driving in a manner that should have caused reasonable suspicion and a variety of others. Working with someone familiar with these matters is beneficial for anyone facing these charges.